A well-established landlord offering a wide ranging property portfolio
A diverse portfolio of quality business accommodation
Advance Northumberland Commercial have a diverse portfolio of quality business accommodation to rent or buy, including industrial units, offices, business parks and fully managed workspaces.Our property sizes range from 200 sq ft to 45,000 sq ft and we offer a range of flexible occupational terms, together with a professional and efficient service from our team of chartered surveyors, customer service and maintenance.
Email us Advance Commercial websiteAdvance Northumberland Commercial in numbers
- £148 million portfolio asset value
- 1.7m ft² of industrial, retail and office space
- 96% occupancy rate
- 4 Managed Workspaces
- ~600 Businesses operating from our properties
- 100% statutory compliance
We will Advance Northumberland's economic prosperity, regenerate communities, improve livability and create a more connected and aspirational County
Get in touch to see how we can support you and your business.
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