Bedlington Town Centre
Advance Northumberland is leading in the delivery of a major scheme that aims to comprehensively redevelop a high profile, brownfield site located in the heart of Bedlington Town Centre.
The scheme will reposition Bedlington as a retail destination, improving amenities and giving local people greater choice. The scheme included the investment and build of new supermarket, Aldi.
Once completed, this development will form a pivotal focal point for the town whilst also delivering a mixed-use scheme with positive economic, social and physical benefits. The scheme has been designed to incorporate strong links with the existing shopping areas.
The current programme of work includes a new terrace of four retail units with Advance Northumberland Commercial and the upper floor designed to provide six new apartments to rent in a mixture of 1 & 2 bedrooms which will be available for rental from Advance Northumberland Homes.
Progress Update
Meldrum Construction are continuing the construction of the works, which is progressing well. The walls are up and the roof works are complete, concluding the second phase of Bedlington's Town Centre Regeneration project. The project is on track to complete in Spring 2025.
If you are a business looking to rent a retail unit in Bedlington, please contact a member of our Commercial team via advancenorthumberlandcommercial.co.uk
If you are an individual looking to rent a brand new apartment in Bedlington, please contact a member of our Homes team to get on the waiting list via advancenorthumberlandhomes.co.uk
August 2023
October 2022
Bedlington Town Regeneration Work
Working in partnership

We will Advance Northumberland's economic prosperity, regenerate communities, improve livability and create a more connected and aspirational County
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