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Date From
Saturday 22nd February 2025 at 6:02am
Date To
Saturday 22nd February 2025 at 6:02am

Northumberland Businesses Beware - SCAM ALERT

Calling all Northumberland Businesses!

Please be aware : There is a scam circulating on Social Media sites which promotes an opportunity to claim cash back on direct debits already paid for Council Tax, Housing Rent and other bills.

Victims are being asked to pass on their bank account details to the scammer(s). The bank is asked, in person or through impersonation, to cancel an existing direct debit and claim back monies already paid for rent or Council tax. 

Any money received will be transferred back to the victim’s bank account and the scammer who has these details will then take their fee of 50% or more.

As this is an illegal DD reclaim the victim could potentially face a criminal prosecution as an accomplice to fraud and will be asked to return all the money in full. The scam may not come to light for the victim until a later date, usually when a request to return the full amount of money is made, their Council Tax or Housing Rent Account debited or contact is made by the Police as part of a criminal investigation.

You can read more about this scam by visiting:

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