News and events

Counter Terrorism Policing NE ACT Corporate Events
Counter Terrorism Policing North East, in partnership with the National Counter Terrorism Security Office, will be hosting two ACT Corporate events in the region in April.
ACT Corporate is an informative engagement event aimed at raising awareness and capability. Events include advice, guidance, and updates on the work that police and partners are doing to mitigate the terrorist threat.
The events are targeted towards small and medium enterprises (SMEs) operating Publicly Accessible Locations (PALs), representative organisations, and other relevant community groups.
Keynote speakers from Counter Terrorism Policing North East (CTPNE), the National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO), and the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI) will deliver updates regarding the current threat, Martyn’s Law, and how to protect the public and your business or organisation against a terrorist incident.
This briefing is a high-level call for businesses and law enforcement to come together to improve our collective ability to deter, detect, and disrupt those wishing to attack our communities.
Event 1 – Newcastle
Date and Time – Tuesday 25th April, 2023. 8.30am (arrival, for a 9am start) – 1.30pm. Location – St James’ Park (NUFC), Barrack Road, Newcastle, NE1 4ST. Click here to apply for a ticket to the Newcastle Event
Event 2 – Sheffield
Date and Time – Wednesday 26th April, 2023. 12.30pm (arrival, for a 1pm start) – 5.30pm. Location – Hillsborough Stadium (SWFC), Penistone Road N, Sheffield, S6 1SW. Click here to apply for a ticket to the Sheffield Event
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