
If you are interested in working with us by becoming an Approved Contractor or supplying us with goods, services or other construction works, here is some information about our procurement process.

At Advance Northumberland we offer a range of services, including construction, property rentals, all aspects of building and facilities maintenance, and specialist business growth services. As such, we are procuring goods, services and works to support these activities all year round.

All procurement projects must adhere to our Procurement Policy, approved by the Advance Northumberland Board. A copy of the full policy can be requested via our Publication Scheme. Alternatively, you can contact us at for more information.

There will be times when our procurement projects must be fully compliant with the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (PCR), in which case the thresholds will differ from those stated below.

Supplying to Advance Northumberland

Contracts at Advance Northumberland are awarded following a competitive quotation or tender process. The approach taken is determined by the estimated or known value of the goods, services or works. A summary of the different thresholds is set out below (the values quoted are all excluding VAT):ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ

  • Expenditure between £10,000 and £500,000 requires a minimum of 3 written quotations
  • Expenditure between £500,001 to £1,000,000 where we have at least 3 Significant Approved Suppliers meeting our Minimum Quality Threshold, requires at least 3 written quotations
  • Expenditure between £500,001 to £1,000,000 where we do not have a minimum of 3 Significant Approved Suppliers, requires an open tender process
  • Expenditure above £1,000,000 requires an open tender process.
Our Procurement Principals

All procurement at Advance Northumberland is undertaken following the principles of Public Contracting Regulations, with respect for transparency, competition and achieving value for money: 

  • Integrity: We will deal with all interested parties with positivity and integrity. Any conflicts of interest will be identified and dealt with properly and promptly. 
  • Confidentiality: we will respect the confidentiality of all documents, reports, and data of a confidential or proprietary nature include pricing and bid content received from prospective suppliers. Please also refer to our Frequently Asked Questions relating to the Freedom of Information Act.
  • Objectivity: all decisions shall be taken on an objectively justifiable basis. 
  • Value for Money: we will consider all aspects of value for money, such as relevant costs and benefits, risks and resources over the entirety of the product or service life cycle and optimise value for the benefit of all stakeholders. 
  • Efficiency: where possible published timetables will be respected, and reports shall be submitted to stakeholders in a timely manner. 
  • Accountability: records will be maintained of all procurement decisions and processes.
Minimum Quality Threshold

We require all suppliers to demonstrate minimum standards of capability, performance and plans, as appropriate to the procurement to be undertaken, of (as a minimum) the following matters: 

  • Safety 
  • Health 
  • Environmental 
  • Quality 
  • Insurance 
  • Subject matter competence 

Combined, these make our Minimum Quality Threshold. We maintain a register of suppliers who satisfy the requirements of the Minimum Quality Threshold, and they are known as Approved Suppliers. Advance Northumberland will encourage wider participation from SMEs from the region, and from the area local to the intended project / activity. We will support positive engagement to assist potential suppliers to achieve our Minimum Quality Threshold.

Approved Suppliers and Significant Approved Suppliers

Each division of Advance Northumberland, including Ascent Homes, maintains an Approved Suppliers register. This comprises suppliers, contractors and consultants vetted to Advance Northumberland’s Minimum Quality Threshold standards including technical capability, financial, health and safety and insurance assessments. 

The Approved Suppliers list gives reassurances to Advance Northumberland that a minimum standard has been met and saves contractors and consultants from having to resubmit information for tender packs. Being on our approved list does not guarantee any work, and companies can also be removed from the list if performance or probity become an issue or concern. The list is reviewed annually, and suppliers can be added or deleted as appropriate. 

We also maintain a sub-register of Significant Approved Suppliers who are deemed competent and sufficiently financially robust to supply goods, services or works above £500,000. The sub-register of Significant Approved Suppliers is presented to the Audit Committee on an annual basis and thereafter to our Board for approval and sign off.

Future and Current Opportunities

Information on current live tenders can be found on the Pro Contract e-tendering portal. Visit Pro Contract.

Selection Process

Quotations and tenders are evaluated against a pre-determined set of criteria, which will be stated in the Request for Quotation or Invitation to Tender pack. We aim to treat all suppliers fairly and consistently.

Freedom of Information

For information about the Freedom of Information Act and what this could mean for our suppliers, please read our Frequently Asked Questions

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